Building Long Lasting Networks, including Business Canvas
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What to know before starting?

What to know before starting?  

What will you learn?
 Understanding what networking is 
 Understanding of Business canvas concept and Elements
 Practical Tips for Sustaining Networks

How much time will it take?
20 minutes

EQF level 
Level 3

Who created the content and will recognise your learning?
This material was created by the partners of the Erasmus+ project “Upskilling Rural” that will recognise your learning as well. 


Let’s start... but first think  

Let’s start... but first think


What is Networking?  

It is the act of building relationship with other people and companies in your business field. It includes exchanging information, ideas and contacts for mutual benefit

Networking can be done online and offline. 

  • Online – through platforms like LinkedIn or other similar platforms 
  • Offline – through participation in events, conferences, community meetings, etc. 
Building Long Lasting Networks, including Business Canvas  

Building long-lasting networks, especially in a business context, involves strategic planning, relationship management, and leveraging various frameworks like the Business Model Canvas. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you build and sustain effective networks: Illustration 2:


Understanding the Business Model Canvas  

The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management tool that allows you to visualize and describe the key elements of your business model. It consists of 9 elements.

A Business Canvas is a model that must be regularly updated to respond better to the changes in the market.

Illustration 3:

  1. Customer Segments: Define your different groups of customers.
  2. Value Propositions: Describe the unique value your business offers to each customer segment.
  3. Channels: Identify how you will deliver your value propositions to your customers.
  4. Customer Relationships: Outline the type of relationship you want to establish with each customer segment.
  5. Revenue Streams: Explain how your business will earn money from each customer segment.
  6. Key Resources: List the most important assets required to make your business model work.
  7. Key Activities: Describe the most important actions you must take to operate successfully.
  8. Key Partnerships: Identify the network of suppliers and partners that make your business model work.
  9. Cost Structure: Outline the major costs involved in operating your business model.
Building Long-Lasting Networks  

 Identify and Understand Your Network:

  • Internal Networks: Employees, departments, and internal stakeholders.
  • External Networks: Customers, suppliers, partners, industry associations, and competitors.

 Leverage the Business Model Canvas:

  • Customer Relationships: Use the canvas to define how to build and maintain relationships. Consider loyalty programs, personalized communication, and community engagement.
  • Key Partnerships: Identify strategic partners. These could be suppliers, joint ventures, alliances, or industry groups.

 Strong Customer Relationships:

  • Personalization: Tailor interactions based on customer preferences and history.
  • Engagement: Regularly engage with customers through newsletters, social media, and events.
  • Feedback Loop: Establish channels for receiving and acting on customer feedback.
Practical Tips for Sustaining Networks  

CRM Systems: Implement Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to manage and analyze customer interactions and data.

Networking Tools: Use tools like LinkedIn, professional networking groups, and industry-specific forums.

Continuous Learning: Stay updated with industry trends, and continuously seek to learn and grow your network.

Follow-up: After initial meetings, follow up with personalized messages or emails to keep the connection alive.



